Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Bio Warfare Irish Famine Army Navy Club

Army Navy Club at the Max Weber Institute at
Item No. 36: An odd aspect

I recommend the Irish Famine, the Potato Blight, to anyone wanting to understand the future of Bio Warfare.

It has often been said that the Irish reluctance to discuss the Famine is because, even today, decades later, there is the sense of “guilt.”

Guilt may sound strange for the “victim,” yet this is because the reader does not fully understand the complexity of the circumstance of vicitmhood, or biological warfare.

If you could watch your sense of strangeness dissolve, you could learn not only about biological warfare, you could grasp the process of your thinking itself.

Why strange? Don’t you think victims can feel guilt? Then you do not understand victimhood. Part of being a victim is the feeling of guilt for having become a victim. (Discussion of examples of victims who feel guilt because of their survival, omitted.)

Imagine yourself in Ireland. Do you suppose everyone is equally suffering starvation? Are you a fool? Do you not suppose that some Irish had food? Money? Do you not think that some survived? Most survived? Did the survivors not know about the suffering of those who starved to death? Think about that. (How many times has the visitor visited this site?)

continued at: Max Weber Institute Army Navy Club


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